C2 Community,
Tomorrow marks my two years of Crossfit and what an amazing journey so far. We all have our reasons for joining Crossfit but mine was about Cher, Ava & Zoe and challenging myself to become “the very best version of me.” While we all strive to achieve PR’s in our WOD’s and lifting, my goal was simple, do the right thing for my personal wellness and family.
All my life I struggled with high cholesterol which may be genetic or just being a fun loving person from New Orleans but either way it was beyond comprehension. Over the last 20 years, I let the so called finer things in life defeat me. As a result, on December 31, 2014 during my annual physical, I weighted over 240lbs, I was told that my cholesterol was 438, blood pressure was way above 120/80 and there were signs of prediabetes. My doctor (a friend J. Hennessey) told me that I was at risk of a heart attack in the next 5 years if drastic changes were not made in my life. Upset, shocked and maybe a little disappointed, I went home and thought about the conversation. I took another 6 months or so before I would begin to change. The first real step was on June 13, 2015, I decided that I would never drink another Coke in my life (that is soda if you are not from the south) and I began walking a few times a week. While I made some strides, it was time for Crossfit.
On November 1, 2015, I walked into Stonington Crossfit and met Al Furtado for fundamentals. Al immediately showed me that Crossfit was not a gym but a lifestyle. I remember starting with 6lb WB, 12in Box Jumps (3-45lb plates) and just a bar. I felt like I was going to die but I survived. For the next 10 months, Al and the rest of the coaches provided an environment that allowed me to work toward becoming “the best version of me”. Even today, Al & Stacie, Meg & Bill, Steve, Mellissa and Redfern’s are friends but more importantly an extended family. Thank you, Crossfit Stonington….
So on to C2…. you guys are an amazing group and thank you Mike and Kristin for creating a home for us. From the day, I walked into the box, I knew this was it. I see every day a culture of steady encouragement and improvement that is second to none. I see so many striving to be the very best version of themselves and that is just wonderful. So, thank you and the other coaches for all that you do because it is making a difference.
If you know me, Facebook and social media has never been my thing and writing something like this is not me but we all evolve….so on to why share this story…. I started Crossfit because of people sharing their success…. who thought I could drink black coffee but watching Allen D’s success made it easy….I am inspired by the range of ages and skills that push every day to be their very best…. This is why I felt it was important to share.
In conclusion, I had my annual physical and got my numbers back. I weigh now 186lbs, total Cholesterol is 135, blood pressure is well below 120/80 and no signs of diabetes. The doctor asked how did I do it and I said Crossfit and eating to live…. Onward and Upward!!!!
Its OK…..Yes I look like I ate the entire menu….
The post Alvin Ferrouillet’s Story appeared first on CrossFit Cornelius.